has been spoken to by the BBC after appearing to promote luxury brands she wore on air during the Olympics The former track and road cyclist fronted the , and posted photographs on social media from her time in the studio. Dame Laura mentioned fashion brands in these social media posts, and also appeared on air wearing a £2,000 watch by Breitling, a brand which has named her as an “ambassador”. Now BBC bosses have spoken to Dame Laura to remind her of the rules around promoting products on air, and it is understood that the former cyclist, , has removed mention of brands from her social media posts.

Several posts featuring photographs of Dame Laura in a dress tagged the fashion brand Reiss, although insiders have said that the former athlete has no commercial ties to the company. BBC rules state that “No on-air talent should promote products, goods, services or clothing they use on air. “On-air talent, in any genre, engaged by the BBC must not accept clothing or products free, or at considerably reduced cost, in exchange for wearing or using them on air.

“Nor should they appear on air wearing clothes or using products, goods or services which they have agreed, or been contracted, to promote or in which they have any financial interest.” It is not clear if Dame Laura purchased the items or was given them as gifts. The BBC rules have come under strain in recent years as more presenters continue to enjoy large social media followings.

The corporation has indicated t.