EXCLUSIVE Daily Mail health reporter goes vegan for a month after tests showed she was at risk for major diseases. What happened next shocked her..

. but left her miserable READ MORE: Vegan food is 'worse for your health than eating real meat' By Emily Joshu Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com Published: 18:19 BST, 21 July 2024 | Updated: 18:21 BST, 21 July 2024 e-mail View comments I like to think I'm in decent shape - not great, but decent.

I walk for almost an hour every day during my lunch break, commute twice a day and regularly go to the gym. I cook a balanced diet of protein, grains, and vegetables most nights, meal prep, and try to limit alcohol . It's not perfect, but it generally works well, or at least that's what I thought.

A few weeks ago, a blood test revealed that I had high LDL (bad) cholesterol, elevated fats called triglycerides, and raised glucose. All of these combined could leave fat building up in my arteries and increase my blood sugar, leading to me potentially develop diabetes , heart disease and stroke, among other issues. 'Does high cholesterol run in your family?' the team at IVDrips, who administered my test, asked.

It doesn't - and it's not something I'd really thought about as a generally healthy 28-year-old. Even the doctor said it was 'strange' for this to be elevated at my age. I will admit, however, that I had gotten a bit lazy when it came to eating and exercising.

Planning a wedding has meant I've spent more nights organizing seating charts a.