It’s our chance to kick back and relax! While Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron are all retrograde, we’re experiencing a bit of a slowdown. That’s just fine, especially as the intuitive Moon sextiles stoic Saturn. It’s a great day to get your life organized by going back over past projects or tasks that you’ve been meaning to get to but haven’t had time, or to catch up on rest after a long period of twists and turns.

We can make progress without starting new things. March 21 – April 19 You’re strengthening what you’ve already created. Relationships and friendships that have stayed in your life for years, dreams that have stuck with you for a long time, projects that you’ve been putting work into for ages — these are all excellent places to channel your current energy.

If there are issues that are weakening the bonds in your connections or flaws preventing your projects from being completed, they may make themselves known at any moment so that you can heal them. April 20 – May 20 How you interact with other people is presently getting highlighted by the universe. The way that you treat your friends matters, as does the way that they treat you and how you treat yourself.

All of these aspects of life are connected, so being able to balance your sense of self-esteem and success with showing support and care for others is crucial. Make sure that the scales are even — and if they aren’t, look for a way to create that balance. May 21 – June 20 Spiritua.