Digging in our heels can lead to butting heads. The intuitive Moon enters sensual Taurus at 1:23 pm EDT, gently tugging us down to earth, but possibly heightening our stubbornness. The Moon then snaps at intense Pluto, bringing chaos out of the blue and making it difficult to avoid change, which can get even more challenging with the steadfast Taurus energy.

The Moon also trines Mercury to let communication and change flow in, without quite as much resistance. After all, what we resist, persists. March 21 – April 19 Stability is a focus for you now.

While you may be trying to turn over a new leaf or maintain a sense of stability, chaos might throw a wrench in your plans. This can be jarring, but it’s nothing that you can’t handle! Even if you worry that you’re lacking support when it comes to maintaining your stability or creating it in the first place, everything is going according to the universe’s plan. Sometimes, what you least expect will be exactly what you need.

April 20 – May 20 It might be hard to talk you out of doing anything today. You are likely to have your mind made up, which can make it difficult to accept positive change. Tradition and routine are important, but so are flexibility and understanding.

You can’t control everything that happens in life! At this moment, you probably just have to roll with the punches. The more that you stay out of your own way, the more success that you’ll be able to create today. May 21 – June 20 A lack of rest .