Making productive agreements is now plausible. Relational Venus enters balanced Libra at 9:23 am EDT and trines insightful Pluto shortly thereafter, guiding us toward the heart of what each party is looking for in any negotiation or disagreement we encounter. We may understand that a few compromises are necessary, even if we aren’t totally thrilled about them, as the sensitive Cancer Moon trines logical Saturn and squares moody Chiron.

Things should balance out in the end — and we’ll likely see that! March 21 – April 19 You may be ready to start getting to know someone who has been hiding in plain sight. As affable Venus moves into your partnership sector, you’re in a good position to put your best foot forward in any type of relationship. Plus, you don’t necessarily have to go outside your usual network to find fresh connections.

Shared surroundings can make it easier to chat up a passing acquaintance. Still, the process won’t always be easy — don’t take awkward moments too hard. April 20 – May 20 Learning how to work smarter could be key today.

With relaxed Venus entering your productive 6th house, you’re probably not in the mood to push yourself too close to the point of discomfort. As feeling good becomes a higher priority than normal, you might reach important insights concerning which tasks are truly relevant to your larger goals. Some activities that take up a lot of time may not have much to show for themselves in the end.

Stay focused on your pu.