We spoke with Daigo about his thoughts on the current state of Street Fighter 6, where he revealed his surprising inspiration for keeping his skills sharp as an OG player. Daigo ‘The Beast’ Umehara is synonymous with Street Fighter. He’s been competing in the beloved fighting game series for over twenty years and has accrued an eye-popping number of wins, including six EVO championships.

We got the chance to sit down with Daigo at where we asked him about his thoughts on the state of now that He believes the game is in a great spot at present, and surprised us by admitting that the surge of younger talent in the competitive scene keeps him on his toes and helps him feel “young,” in spite of his status as an OG player. “The game has been in great shape and a lot of fun all the way since launch,” he told us. “I expect it will only get even better from here with each update.


Even in Season 1, the game was so well balanced it was hard to believe it had just come out, but it’s even better in Season 2. It’s incredible that they’ve achieved such a degree of balance in only the second year.” “I went pro during the Street Fighter IV era, and compared to back then, I feel like the current player base has a lot of younger players, and the skill level is much higher on the whole.

Particularly with SF6, we’re seeing really remarkable performances from a younger crowd.” He’s right; ever since the launch of Street Fighter V back in 2016, younger players li.