Modern prog supergroup have shared a brandn new video for , which you can watch below. The song is taken from an upcoming mini-album, , which also features a 25-minute epic and an exclusive instrumental and which will be released through Tigermoth Records on September 6. “When we re-worked the album, we ended up with around 95 minutes of music, too much for a single CD release," explains 's , mainstay behind Cyan.

"I also thought that was too much music for people to take in in one sitting, so I decided to leave off two tracks. So it’s been great to put these out as mini album CD along with an exclusive recording of the instrumental track . "The opening track on the original CD back in 1994 was running at 12-minutes, but when I finished the new version, it came in at a whopping 25 minutes and is now an absolute monster.

It was too much to have that along with , the other epic on the album. is a reworking of a 2005 charity single under the banner Prog Aid, which was a project Reed set up in response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami/earthquake disaster, and which featured members of , , , , , and even Editor Jerry Ewing on some [very poor] backng vocals, although if you're lucky, you didn't hear him on the original! "All Around The World was on the original album but was also used as the song for the Prog Aid charity release in 2005, Reed continues. "We invited the who’s who of the prog community to submit their contributions and I was lucky to be able to mix each perform.