NEW YORK — Unexpectedly high medical bills are common in the United States, but there are ways to get relief. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, one in five Americans are affected by outstanding medical debt, for a total cost of $88 billion. While the process of fighting high medical bills can be time-consuming and frustrating, advocates stress that patients shouldn’t be intimidated by the system.

If you’ve received a surprise medical bill, here’s what you should know: When Luisa, 33, received a medical bill for over $1,000 after an emergency hospital visit for a viral infection, she was able to have the whole amount covered by the hospital after appealing to their financial assistance policy. “At first I thought it was just a cold, but it turned out to be something I needed specific medication for,” said Luisa, who asked to be identified only by her first name due to privacy concerns. “It was really bad by the time I went to the ER.

” Luisa had heard about the patient advocacy organization Dollar For thanks to a viral video, and she filled out the nonprofit’s online form after receiving her surprise bill. The organization contacted the hospital. Eventually, the hospital contacted Luisa directly to let her know she did in fact qualify for financial assistance.

Laws governing hospital charity care require that nonprofit hospitals lower or write off bills for individuals, depending on household income. To determine if you qualify, you can si.