We are all watching the pennies when it comes to energy bills . Especially as the winter fuel cap is set to increase from next month. While Brits are looking for new ways to cut down their heating bill without losing the heat in their home .

The experts at Hiatt Hardware have shared four practical tips to help you draught-proof your home. Even more so efficiently and affordably, ensuring that you stay comfortable as we head towards autumn. Let's take a look at the simple methods which we can follow to keep our home insulated.

Why does draught-proofing matter? Around 30 percent of household heat is lost through draughts in doors and windows. Draughts leak cold air into your home leading to warm air escaping. This then forces your heating system to work harder, raising your energy bills and increasing carbon emissions; making draught-proofing a crucial step as the colder months approach.

Insulate windows: Windows are often the biggest culprits for letting in cold air. To identify draughts, run your hand around the window frame or use a lighter to detect airflow. If the flame flickers, you've found a draught.

If you identify your home’s windows as a problem area, you can address the problem affordably. Self-adhesive weather strips are cheap to buy, costing as low as £2.94 from Hiatt or £6 from Dunelm.

The simple rubber-based design helps to prevent the movement of air from the outside. These strips can be cut to different lengths to accommodate your window size but you must .