KLANG: The Customs Department seized luxury cars, drugs, liquor, liquid nicotine and television sets worth RM6.37mil in separate raids in Westport and Northport near here as well as at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) recently. Customs Department Central Zone II (Selangor) Assistant Director General Norlela Ismail said the raids under Ops Longkai 2024 were conducted in July and August.

The first case saw 11 units of imported vehicles of various makes worth RM3.69 million seized following raids on vehicle storage warehouses in Northport and Westport. She said preliminary investigations revealed that the vehicles were believed to have been imported from European and Asian countries and had been stored for four years while the warehouse and the importer had failed to submit an import permit from the Investment, Trade and Industry Ministry.

"Imported vehicles are prohibited items whereby their importation is permitted on the condition that they have an import licence from the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry under Item 3, Part I, Second Schedule, Customs Order (Prohibition on Import) 2023," she said in a press conference here on Thursday (Sept 19). Meanwhile, in a separate case, Norlela said the Customs Department confiscated four packages suspected to contain cannabis-type drugs weighing 1,767 grams worth RM13,955 at the KLIA Mail and Courier Centre, the items in were declared as "Chinese tea", "Thai tea", "premium Thai tea", and "souvenir" to avoid being .