The iconic Raj Kapoor would have turned 100 on December 14. Having released his first film in 1948, the year after Independence, the actor went on to become a household name back then, turning into a legend some 77 years later. ALSO READ: Every Indian Celeb At Red Sea Film Festival 2024 And What They Wore Ft Priyanka Chopra, Shraddha Kapoor, And MORE To honour his life and achievements, the Kapoor clan organised a star-studded event which was attended by the who's who of the film industry.

Here's looking at what the Kapoor ladies wore to the glitzy event: Alia Bhatt Kapoor bahu Alia Bhatt channeled her inner retro heroine at the glitzy event. For the occasion, Alia picked out a custom floral saree by Sabyasachi, which she paired with a multi-strand pearl choker and romantic makeup. Kareena Kapoor Kareena Kapoor looked every inch the Nawab begum that she is in a splendid Iqbal Hussain salwar suit.

But, while her gota work jacket kurta set was well and good, it is her stack of thick necklaces that totally stole the show. Karisma Kapoor Lolo was a vision of grace and class in her white and gold saree. For an even more polished appearance, the actress chose to accessorize with a pearl maala and pulled her hair back into a sleek bun.

Riddhima and Neetu Kapoor Neetu Kapoor and daughter Riddhima were both decked up in splendid kurta sets for the occasion. While Neetu opted for a looser fit, Riddhima was clad in a printed kurta with a white churidaar. Which Kapoor lady impressed you .