Kessler Foundation research scientist John DeLuca, PhD, has published a significant clinical article in Journal of Neurology , shedding light on the elusive nature of fatigue in multiple sclerosis (MS) and its implications for treatment. The study provides a comprehensive review of current challenges in defining, measuring, and treating MS-related fatigue, offering new insights and directions for future research. The open access article, "Fatigue in multiple sclerosis: can we measure it and can we treat it?" (Doi: 10.

1007/s00415-024-12524-9), was published on July 5, 2024. It highlights the multidimensional nature of fatigue, emphasizing the ongoing struggle to define it accurately and measure it effectively. Dr.

DeLuca identified over 250 scales used to assess fatigue but noted significant content validity issues, raising questions about their effectiveness. " Our ability to define, measure, and treat fatigue in MS has only marginally improved despite over a century of research, " said Dr. DeLuca, senior vice president for research and training at the Foundation.

" This study underscores the need for innovative approaches to better understand and address this complex symptom. It also highlights the necessity of distinguishing fatigue from other related symptoms and developing more precise measurement tools. Addressing these challenges is crucial for improving the quality of life for individuals with MS.

" Fatigue affects up to 90 percent of individuals with MS, significantly.