THE Morning Star’s motto is “For Peace & Socialism” and we are proud to celebrate Cuban internationalism, and proud too of our long association with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, which has done so much to secure what I believe is now a wide understanding across the British left and trade union movement of the enormous contribution Cuba has made to the causes of peace and socialism internationally. Fighting to win the British labour movement, and through it the Labour Party, to an internationalist position is not easy, living in the oldest imperialist country in the world and given the political consensus at Westminster in favour of the closest possible alliance with the United States. In this renewed era of militarism and war worldwide, we have seen support for imperialism gain ground even within the labour movement.

So there is something remarkable about the tremendous admiration for Cuba we see echoed across our movement even in unlikely quarters. That’s important because we need to build active solidarity with a state suffering the longest and cruellest economic blockade in history, and other speakers will no doubt detail the practical assistance for blockaded Cuba that this enables us to deliver. But it’s also important because the Cuban example is a daily inspiration to us on the British left and can help counter the defeatism we often encounter, and widen the horizons of what is and isn’t possible in the way of change — horizons which nowadays seem especia.