While cruises are often the best way to take a holiday , there's one particular aspect of being on a ship that just isn't fun: sea sickness. Some people are blessed to never be hit with the curse of getting sick on a boat, but others have just had to learn to grin and bear it. There is one "miracle cure" that some cruisers swear by to keep their queasiness at bay: green apples.

 READ MORE: The best train journeys in the world - and there's an Aussie icon among them On a Reddit thread where one cruiser was looking for advice to combat seasickness, a person recommended eating green apples. They're easy to find at the onboard buffet, or through room service or your porter.  Green apples are high in pectin, a soluble fibre that can slow down your digestion and settle your stomach.

Ginger beer and ginger lollies can also have the same effect. Another key thing you should do at the first sign of seasickness is get out of your cabin, as recommended by a lot of frequent cruisers. Even if you're feeling like you just want to lie in bed, the best thing is to be outside.

"It's better to sit in a lounge with a view outside than it is to try to sleep, your brain needs to be able to process how you are oriented," one person suggested. READ MORE: The best places in the world for island hopping Seasickness is a discrepancy between the motion your inner ear perceives and what your eyes see. You need to bring your senses back into sync.

Sitting on deck and watching the sea - spe.