On the same weekend every year, a family rents out the same campsite at a campground. They’ve been doing it for years, and the kids know the area like the back of their hand. They fill the days doing what they’ve always done: hiking to the beach, swimming, fishing, making s’mores, and playing a softball game on the final morning.

Over dinner, parents share sentimental stories about the times their own parents took them camping. Before bed, when the only light comes from the campfire and the stars, a guitar is brandished, and a song is strummed that will forever remind the kids of the time they’ve spent there. During the year, the kids grow to look forward to the special meals that they can only have camping, prepared on an open fire.

Next year, they’ll learn how to start a fire and release their fish back into the water on their own. But for now, they’ll look back on the laughs, traditions, and joy they shared with incredible fondness. The timeless family traditions forged through camping trips can take any form.

Whether it’s a special meal, game, place, or group, the possibilities are endless. Ready to create your own camping traditions? Keep reading for some outstanding destinations! Thousand Trails Chehalis – Chehalis, WA A campground currently celebrating their own legacy of traditions is Thousand Trails Chehalis. Chehalis is the first campground of the Thousand Trails network and is marking its 55 th anniversary this summer! Join the celebrations and enjo.