I have been in seventh heaven the past few weeks — it’s my favorite time of year and Mother Nature has given me beautiful, sunny, hot, hazy and humid weather — with an occasional thunderstorm thrown in. I love to watch a storm roll in and unleash its fury, and to listen to the sound of the rolling thunder. My mom used to tell me thunder was the sound of angels bowling in heaven — and to this day, I imagine all my loved ones gathered in a light, airy bowling alley throwing golden orbs down a fluffy cloud alley.

Thanks to my many lazy afternoons on my pool float, I think I have one of the best tans I’ve ever had; not that that is saying much, but I know it’s there. I’ve logged more hours in the past two weeks than I did last summer and probably the summer before. There is nothing better than floating and reading a good book — I’m currently on book number 11 since the heat wave began.

I do miss hanging out with my exes, Ben and Jerry, and Cherry Garcia, on these hot nights, but I can’t reconcile with them. They were the bad boys my mom didn’t warn me about, and we all know how that went — straight to my waist, hips and derriere! I went cruising on the internet for a better alternative and found a recipe for homemade fudge pops that are relatively low-calorie and low-fat, depending what kind of milk you use. I’ve tried 1 percent milk and another time used vanilla-flavored oat milk.

I’m still experimenting ...

The best part? There are only six ingredien.