By Dr. Colin Michie FRCPCH University of Central Lancashire. Although the Covid-19 pandemic is over, the American president contracted the virus this summer, and athletes in Paris tested positive as Covid continues to infect people everywhere (see related article on page 3).

Hospital cases of Covid infections in the United Kingdom, mostly in those over 85 years of age, are rising. Observations on wastewater analysis in the US show that coronaviruses can be found in large numbers in several states. This is a valuable method for viral surveillance, as most respiratory viruses can be identified in our faeces.

As has happened before with Covid, new variants have evolved that are not being killed or removed completely by human immune defences. JN.1 variants are causing a wave of breakthrough infections as they are more easily transmitted.

They have their origins from the Omicron variant and cause similar symptoms to this viral ancestor – a runny nose, possibly a persistent cough, headache, fatigue and muscle aches. High fever and a loss of taste or smell are seen in only a small number of sufferers. Respiratory viruses used to be a feature of cooler weather, but new coronavirus variants are spreading this summer without difficulty between humans.

Approximately 20% more of us use domestic and international voyaging in summer months. Schoolchildren on their breaks, sports competitions and other entertainments ensure lots of summer vacationing! Figures from the French Caribbean sho.