23 Bags of Rubbish Collected from Popular Coves The Coastal Service led the effort, with a lot of help from the Campillo de Adentro neighbours group and volunteers from their local association, all backed by Espacio Mediterráneo. They focused on these popular spots for swimming and anchoring, gathering eight bags from Boletes and fifteen from Salitrona. Most Read on Euro Weekly News Challenges of Waste Disposal in Remote Coves Highlighted These coves, part of the protected area of , are well-loved by boaters and paddleboarders.

The problem? There aren’t any bins, so some visitors leave their rubbish behind. This community effort is a reminder of the ongoing challenge to keep these stunning locations clean and enjoyable for everyone. To ensure remain beautiful and accessible for everyone, visitors are encouraged to take their rubbish with them when no bins are available.

Bringing reusable containers for food and drinks and using eco-friendly products can also reduce waste. By making small efforts, visitors can help protect these precious coastal areas for future generations to enjoy. Keeping these coves free of rubbish not only preserves their natural beauty but also protects local wildlife and marine ecosystems.

Clean environments encourage more responsible tourism, support healthy marine life, and enhance the experience for both locals and visitors. Regular cleanups and mindful practices ensure these scenic spots remain a source of enjoyment and relaxation for all..