Bollywood divas and their Jamnagar diaries have been quite a delight for all fashion enthusiasts. For the unversed, Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor recently flew down to Jamnagar, Gujarat with several friends to celebrate the pre-wedding bash of their close friend, Yash Singhal. Of course, the looks coming out of the city are simply stunning! With Christmas falling in the midst of all the wedding festivities, celebs took a break from ethnic dressing to shell major fashion goals with their festive looks.

To nobody's surprise, Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor are currently breaking the internet with their couture gowns and blingy jewels. Here's decoding what the girls wore to the Jamnagar Christmas bash. Decoding Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor's Christmas looksJanhvi Kapoor is a diva and knows it too.

She recently shared a photo dump, flaunting her hourglass figure in a stunning corset gown, designed by Surya Sarkar. The rich burgundy gown fit her like a glove and was aptly paired with a diamond and sapphire necklace from Kalyan Jewellers. She also shelled major fashion goals in a statement Balmain jacket and jeans, finally ending her fashionable Christmas journey with a blingy top and bag, both from Kim Kardashian’s collection for Dolce & Gabbana, which she styled with simple denim shorts and Louboutin heels.

Khushi Kapoor, on the other hand, made a case for couture gowns in her Carolina Herrera dress. More specifically, she was spotted wearing the Striped Lace Embroidered Organza .