Couple in the Woods Review Dominic Luongo – Oliver Sara Manzella – Meg Golden Groves – The Occultist “Tim” Rick Matthews – Phil Brian Burch – Park Ranger Clayton Williams – Haunted Humphrey (check out the rest of the cast here ) Directed by Dominic Luongo Screenplay by Dominic Luongo and Sara Manzella Produced by Doom Lounge Productions Rated TV-MA Runtime – 65 minutes Couple in the Woods is available to watch for free on Tubi. Watch it here Image Credit: Doom Lounge Productions Couple in the Woods , a nifty supernatural/horror-comedy currently available to watch for free via Tubi (check out the movie here ), stars Dominic Luongo (he also directed and co-wrote the movie) and Sara Manzella (she is the movie’s other writer) as Oliver and Meg, two sort of supernatural/occult investigators traipsing through the woods looking for a cabin that somehow figures into the heinous murders of the serial killer known as The Occultist. The Occultist, also known as Tim (Golden Groves), is a bald guy that we see at the very beginning of the movie, chasing a guy named Phil (Rick Mathews) because Phil has an animal skull that Tim desperately wants.

Tim eventually catches up to Phil and murders him, taking the animal skull. While all of that is happening, Oliver and Meg are arriving in the very same woods to begin their investigation. While they’re both looking for the same thing, it appears that Oliver is a bit more measured about how to look for the cabin and what to do .