Meet the couple in their fifties who gave up their corporate jobs to embark on a life of backpacking and exploration. Louis Broodryk, 56, and his wife Kareen, 51, made the decision after realising how unhappy their work was making them. After years of planning and saving £20,000, they quit their jobs, bought a 4x4 car, and embarked on the adventure of a lifetime.

Their initial plan was to travel around their country, South Africa , and the wider continent for a year before returning to normality. However, after a few months, they realised their adventures would span much longer than a year - and decided to head to South America. Now, six years later, they're enjoying their travels more than ever - and don't plan on giving up any time soon.

Louis, from Cape Town, said: "The whole experience has been so special and we've learnt so much along the way. "With every country we've gone to, we've got to know the culture, we've tried to live a normal life in each place. We spend time sitting around with the local people and just talking - we think it's important to get to know the guy behind the corner store counter.

Everyone we've met has been so open and welcoming. "We want to keep going for as long as we can - we've agreed for five more years at the moment, then we'll see where we are. Because I'm disabled and in a wheelchair, I'm not sure what my health will be like in a few years - of course I hope to go on for a lot longer, but we'll see.

" The pair have travelled to over 20 cou.