A little over two years after the idea was initially broached, William S. Hart Park is now formally set to be in the hands of the city of Santa Clarita. The L.

A. County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the transfer of the historic 160-acre property at Tuesday’s meeting. There was no discussion.

Transferring the ownership was a process that started in July of 2022, with the plan developed over five public meetings between the county and the city, according to a news release from 5 th District Supervisor Kathryn Barger. “After nearly two years of negotiations to transfer Hart Park and Museum to our city of Santa Clarita partners, we’re finally crossing the finish line,” Barger said in the release. “Los Angeles County is not losing a park, but is instead gaining a partner to steward this beautiful and historic site.

Our north star during these negotiations has been the continued and uninterrupted public access for all county of Los Angeles residents in perpetuity. Hart himself was staunchly committed to leaving the site for the public’s enjoyment, and that will be safeguarded.” In a statement released Tuesday, Santa Clarita Mayor Cameron Smyth said the city is looking forward to when the city officially takes over ownership duties of the park.

That day is expected to be July 1, 2025, according to Carrie Lujan, communications manager for the city. “Today’s unanimous motion by the Board of Supervisors puts us one step closer to welcoming the historic Wil.