Health officials at Durham County Council and the NHS have outlined their ambition to reduce the number of people smoking to five per cent by 2030. In County Durham, about 894 people die each year from causes linked to smoking which could have been prevented. Data shows one in nine (11.
7 per cent) adults smoke and about one in seven (14.2 per cent) mothers smoke during pregnancy. NHS data shows that there were an estimated 49,492 smokers in the region in 2023, and the aim is to reduce this to 28,342 in 2030.
A Durham County Council Health and Wellbeing board meeting heard that smoking when pregnant is a leading cause of preventable harm and health inequalities in County Durham. In County Durham, around 894 people die each year from causes linked to smoking which could have been prevented. (Image: Durham County Council) The Tobacco and Vapes Bill will prevent anyone born after January 1 2009 from legally smoking by gradually raising the age at which tobacco can be bought.
The Bill will also introduce restrictions on vape advertising and sponsorship, as well as restricting flavours, displays and the packaging of e-cigarettes to reduce their appeal to children and young people. Disposable vapes will be banned from June 1 2025 under separate environmental legislation. Praising the proposed bill, Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services Michael Laing said: “This is a once in a generation landmark piece of legislation if we assume it is approved.
The difference it will mak.