Susie Dent is a lexicographer and etymologist (Image: Getty) She paints a revealing picture of her TV role...

“The moment the clock starts ticking down I start to feel that adrenalin,” admits Susie. “I’ve never been bored. In a word, it’s joyful.

” Susie, 59, is talking about her role in Dictionary Corner on Channel 4’s Countdown – where she has been the resident wordsmith for more than 30 years. The lexicographer, whose “word of the day” attracts thousands on social media, insists dictionaries bring her “drama and magic”. So it should come as no surprise that she has turned her talents to writing.

Her debut novel Guilty By Definition is set amid the spires of Oxford. Think Agatha Christie meets Countdown, with twists, turns and clues to be deciphered as the story unfolds. function loadOvpScript(){let el=document.






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