Article content Two city councillors are taking Sault Ste. Marie’s Naturally Gifted mantra to heart. Ward 5 Coun.

Matthew Scott and Ward 3 Coun. Angela Caputo don’t want to see Hydro One’s new transmission line cut through Hiawatha. And they have the backing of their colleagues, who unanimously supported the motion to “exclusively support the Route 3C” option (the green option) for the new transmission line that is to bring more power to Sault Ste.

Marie. The Route 3C option wouldn’t see the transmission line pass over Hiawatha Highlands, thus protecting the natural beauty of the parkland area, which supports walking, hiking, biking and cross-country skiing, among other things. Scott said the City of Sault Ste.

Marie has committed a lot of time and effort to build up the natural resource and bring tourism to the area and he fears that if it is “torn up (it) would be an absolute travesty.” Caputo agreed, adding she enjoys spending time at Hiawatha, as many families do, and she doesn’t want to see it ruined. Hydro One’s plan is to build a transmission line to connect its Mississagi transformer station to Sault Ste.

Marie’s Third Line transformer station. It’s exploring three possible routes to Sault Ste. Marie and is engaging in consultation as part of its process.

A final route isn’t expected to be chosen until next spring. City council is not the only body who doesn’t want to see the transmission line through Hiawatha. The Saulteaux Voyageur Trail .