Star Trek: Prodigy gave Wesley Crusher the story he's deserved for decades while also providing Wil Wheaton with the experience of watching his voiceover performance, one that made us both emotional talking about it . I think it's a given at this point that fans would love to see more of him, potentially via his own upcoming Trek spinoff , but is that a realistic hope hold onto? Wil Wheaton had some thoughts. As the host of The Ready Room (available to stream with a Paramount+ subscription ) and someone who is around the Star Trek fandom and its creatives quite a bit, Wil Wheaton has a definite read on the franchise.

If anyone would know rumblings about what is and isn't possible, it's probably him. So I decided to get his thoughts on the probability of a Wesley Crusher spinoff happening down the road, noting that Star Trek rarely produces projects centered around non-Starfleet characters ( Prodigy being the first). When I asked whether a spinoff was a realistic hope or just a pipe dream, he told me: Well, if there's one thing that we have learned through like 60 years of Star Trek, It's that anything is possible.

Like no one's ever really gone. Things are constantly in flux, and when you have a character who can manipulate spacetime and thought to kind of do anything and go anywhere, sure, you could put him any place. As an audience member, as a fan of the characters and Prodigy, and as a fan of the actors who play them, I would love to see more.

I am fascinated by stories i.