The electric vehicle market is seriously heating up, with more great options being released every few months. But while there are more and more excellent electric vehicle options available, it’s still hard to find a great EV that doesn’t cost at least $40,000 or so. But there could be a solution to that — or at least a way to ease the problem.

How? High-quality, low-cost Chinese EVs. Competition At face value, the solution to lowering EV prices is simple — and involves a combination of the cost of new tech decreasing over time, while automakers release more and more models, increasing competition and pushing companies to create better-value vehicles. But while the tech is slowly getting cheaper, EV competition in the U.

S. is increasing at a much slower pace than we might have assumed it would a few years ago. Sure, automakers are releasing new models, and the likes of Ford, GM, and others are slowly revamping their lineups to include more electrified options.

But there are far more automakers out there than those in the U.S. Tesla is currently the largest manufacturer of electric vehicles in the world — but did you know that it’s only slightly ahead of another company? That company is called BYD, and it has essentially been blocked from importing vehicles into the U.

S. through massive tariffs that specifically target EVs from China. There are other large Chinese EV manufacturers too — including Geely Auto Group, which is larger than BMW and Hyundai.

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