When it comes to beauty tips, users of TikTok seem to be particularly keen on makeup – a phenomenon that has been noticeable for several months. Obtaining a radiant complexion, getting plump lips without injections, or concealing dark circles naturally are among the most popular tips. A latest trick is to do with reducing dark undereye circles, which has already garnered at least seven million views on the Asian platform.

Popularised by two users, Mikayla Nogueira and Jade Sian, it involves combining two basic products in an unexpected manner to camouflage those unsightly dark and bluish areas. The good news is that these two cosmetics are very affordable and easy to handle: a concealer and a setting powder. The surprise comes in the process, which is ultra simple: dip the concealer brush into a setting powder, apply to the face and blend.

Read more: What is social media's 'morning shed' skincare trend and does it work? As you can see, the aim is to make the concealer last as long as possible, and avoid shine during the day. And it obviously works, if the commentary by the two video creators are anything to go by. As for their followers, they too seem enthusiastic about experimenting with the trick, with many adopting it.

"My 35-year-old undereye circles are screaming," "I tried it too and the finish is flawless", or "It seems that the non-powdered side is a bit shinier than the powdered side" are among the messages posted under the video. All that's left is to try it out a.