The Colombian company COTECMAR and the Dutch shipyard Damen have signed a contract for the local construction of the first frigate to be built in Colombia for the National Navy. The signing took place in Cartagena and marks a milestone in the country’s naval industry. This news also concludes a multi-year process that had a significant milestone in November 2022 with the firm decision to proceed with the local construction of vessels.

According to the press release issued today, the agreement between COTECMAR and Damen includes the provision of technical services, supply of materials and equipment, and the necessary technical assistance to carry out the construction of the Strategic Surface Platform (PES), the name given to the first of a new class of frigates built in Colombia. This project has been co-developed by both companies, based on the SIGMA 10514 model and tailored to the operational needs of the Colombian Navy. Colombia thus joins a select group of Latin American countries with the capability to build frigates of this type, marking a significant advancement for the country’s naval industry.

In terms of displacement and complexity, Colombia joins Brazil (which recently launched its first Tamandaré-class frigate) as a country capable of local manufacturing of such vessels, while the rest of the region relies on acquiring used hulls or manufacturing abroad. The ship, which will have a length of 107.5 meters and a beam of 14.

02 meters, will become a key element i.