THROUGH UNTRUE In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus asks His disciples, “Will you also go away?” (John 6:66). This question resonates with us as well. Will we continue to believe in God even when He confounds our expectations? Or will we seek other gods that promise immediate solutions to our needs? Many people, disappointed by God's seeming unconcern, put their faith in money, viewing it as a powerful god that satisfies their necessities and provides access to comfort, security, and luxury.

They see it as a tool to control others, events, the future, and their environment. However, money is a heartless god. It transforms its worshippers into insatiable and greedy beings, always afraid of not having enough.

Perpetually busy accumulating more wealth, they neglect to nurture the more fulfilling values that money cannot buy. Eventually, they reach a point where they realize—too late—that worshipping money has cost them their health, peace, contentment, lasting friendships, and even family. Others kneel before the altar of success and popularity.

Yet, the tragic fates of many prominent personalities and celebrities serve as cautionary tales. After basking in the glow of public admiration, they often find themselves isolated and vulnerable when their success declines and their fame fades. The transition from being celebrated to being ignored or forgotten can be devastating, leading to depression, identity crises, and, in some cases, suicidal thoughts.

Many worship power as a.