‘Who’s letting me do this?’ is the best way to describe one of the best aspects of living in Costa Rica. You find yourself in a situation that’s the right combination of exciting and unsettling and that very question flashes through your mind. During the exploratory expedition that my wife and I took to Costa Rica over twelve years ago, we hopped into our little rental car and set off south from the Central Valley to visit .

Along the way down the coastal highway, traffic slowed to a crawl just before we reached a bridge near the town of Tárcoles. Being the young, free people we were at that time, we decided to pullover and see what all of the fuss was about. We parked the car, walked past all of the food and souvenir vendors, and followed the throng of other tourists out onto the bridge.

At the halfway point of the bridge, we peered down to see a pile of truly enormous crocodiles gathered below in the bridge’s shadow. The sight of such massive wild predators was more than enough to get my blood pumping. Just then, a tractor trailer thundered past us avoiding a pothole just feet from our little sidewalk causing me to grab onto the barely waist-high railing which was the only thing stopping me from falling into the open jaws of a large reptile.

I immediately thought, ‘Who’s letting me do this?’ That was my first experience on Costa Rica’s famous crocodile bridge and, I’m not going to lie, I loved it just as much as the next guy. As the years progressed an.