Companies face many difficulties in their daily operations that can impact their productivity, growth, and success. One such challenge is when employees experience unexpected breakdowns in family care. This leads to stress, absenteeism, and the forced utilization of paid time off (PTO).

Employees have little choice but to miss work under these circumstances. There are solutions to address this issue effectively, and it’s what CorporateCARE Solutions (CCS) is best at. This Arizona-based company understands the struggles companies face when their employees encounter family care breakdowns nationwide.

In fact, 72% of absenteeism is due to breakdowns in childcare, and 45% of employed parents have missed work for this reason. Knowing companies can see a 60% reduction in turnover when Backup Care is implemented, CCS aims to remove the burden and stress from resolving urgent child and adult care needs by employing a proactive and professional approach. Prior to the pandemic, Backup Care has been viewed as a luxury or nice-to-have benefit.

CEO and Founder Sharon Lurtsema believes it’s time to shift this perspective and treat it as an essential benefit. Ensuring that employees can address family care emergencies without compromising their work responsibilities should be a fundamental support offered by employers. CCS provides technology and tools to support employers, employees, care providers, and caregivers.

All stakeholders in the care journey thrive from being connected to the.