's Rowan Cunliffe, portrayed by Emrhys Cooper, is set to intensify his efforts to get his hands on more money in the upcoming episodes with Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) being his prime target. soap fans have seen Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) become increasingly engrossed with The Institute, convinced that the 'cult' has significantly improved her life. However, the reality is that this self-improvement group has caused a rift within her family and exposed leader Rowan as a criminal.

Amy has previously contemplated investing in The Institute using the inheritance she received from her grandmother Deidre Barlow (Anne Kirkbride). Fortunately, her friend Aadi Alahan (Adam Hussain) persuaded her not to gamble all her savings and to probe Rowan further about how she would recoup her investment and any potential profit. Aadi cautioned her against trusting him, but Amy was adamant that she could trust Leanne.

In the forthcoming scenes, however, Rowan shows no signs of backing down from his plan to take Amy's money, reports . In the next week's episode, Leanne seeks out Rowan who informs her that Amy is undergoing an 'upload' and is also reconsidering investing in the resource centre. Rowan encourages Leanne to persuade her partner Nick Tilsley (Ben Price) to do the same.

During Amy's upload session, Leanne urges her to confront her past trauma to eliminate the negativity, but as Amy opens up, Leanne is taken aback to discover that Rowan is recording her. Amy discloses her plans to di.