Corrie: Lauren asks Ellie for help Coronation Street enthusiasts reckon Joel Deering, portrayed by Callum Lill, could meet his demise before justice catches up to him for his misdeeds, while others anticipate his eventual downfall. Monday's action-packed episode followed Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) and DS Swain (Vicky Myers) as they intensified their quest to bring Joel down by consulting another one of his victims. The pair engaged with Ellie, who initially was too scared to come forward but, having paid a visit to Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) in the hospital found the courage to declare she would stand in court against Joel.

Furthering their investigation, Dee-Dee visited Joel's past workplace, coercing them into retracting a Non-Disclosure Agreement that Ellie was pressured into signing regarding her liaison with Joel and any correspondence between them. Exhibiting her lawyerly charm, Dee-Dee managed to win cooperation from the employer, ensuring their backing of Ellie's testimony if required in a trial, reports the Liverpool Echo . Don't miss.

.. Coronation Street character left for dead after Bethany's life-changing decision [SPOILERS] Corrie star 'leaks' how Gail Platt exits - and fans will be heartbroken [LATEST] Calum Lill as Joel Deering in Coronation Street (Image: ITV) As the episode wrapped, Dee-Dee couldn't resist goading Joel - a move that has many pondering whether this signifies his eminent end.

In an intriguing exchange, when quizzed on her worklo.