Directed by Bryan Brazil, “Lost Sabungeros” aims to investigate the disappearances of over 30sabungeroswho have been abducted in various incidents since 2022. After its controversial cancellation at the 20th Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival, the wait is finally over as GMA Public Affairs’ first-ever investigative documentary film, “Lost Sabungeros,” is set to have its international premiere at the QCinema International Film Festival this Nov. 9.

Directed by Bryan Brazil, “Lost Sabungeros” aims to investigate the disappearances of over 30 sabungeros who have been abducted in various incidents since 2022. Last August, the screenings of Lost Sabungeros were canceled due to "security concerns.” This drew more questions and concerns from the public, resulting in a strong clamor to watch the documentary.

The Directors' Guild of the Philippines, Inc. (DGPI) issued a statement in support of creative freedom and safety, expressing that the unfortunate cancellation of the film is a “stark reminder of the challenges faced by those who dare to challenge the entrenched through their art.” Now, “Lost Sabungeros” has found a new platform to show the story of these individuals through the QCinema International Film Festival.

Brazil expressed his gratitude to QCinema for including the film in their roster of documentaries for this year’s screenings. “Thank you very much, QCinema. This film has gone a long way and we’re really happy to be given this.