The Margaret Lee Crofts Concert, Monday, July 29, 2024 The Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra conducted by Ross Jamie Collins, Na’Zir McFadden, and Stefan Asbury Ellen Taafe Zwilich, “Celebration” (1984), conducted by Ross Jamie Collins Steven Mackey, “Stumbling Toward Grace,” Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (2011), conducted by Stefan Asbury, with piano soloist Orli Shaham T. J. Anderson, “Squares, an Essay for Orchestra” (1965), conducted by Na’Zir McFadden Tania Léon, “Ser” (2017), conducted by Ross Jamie Collins, and “Pasajes” (2022), for Orchestra, conducted by Stefan Asbusy Usually, the composers whose works are chosen for inclusion in programs of the Tanglewood Festival of Contemporary Music represent a range of generations from the earlier 20th century to the present.

Last summer’s festival had four co-curators ranging in age from 39 to 52, that is, members of Gen X or younger. Their program choices reflected some of the many current musical trends, particularly multi-culturalism. This year’s co-curators Tanya Léon and Steven Mackey were of an earlier generation, born in 1943 and 1956, respectively.

And this final program of the festival included music by two even older living composers, aged 85 and 96: Ellen Taafe Zwilich (born in 1939) and T. J. Anderson (born in 1928).

Their chosen compositions dated from 1984 and 1965. Léon’s and Mackey’s works on the program were more recent, originating in the last 15 years. Unlike other fes.