In the absence of regulation, consumers are facing immense problems due to exorbitant prices of essential items, especially vegetables. Consumers said that the rates of most daily-use vegetables are crossing 100 rupee mark per kilogram. They said that they have reached a point when poultry is cheaper per kilogram as compared to the skyrocketing prices of vegetables.

As per a market survey, peas are being sold at 120 rupees, beans at Rs 140-200, tomatoes at Rs 70, collards at Rs 60, and onions at Rs 50-60 rupees . “These rates keep on going up in the absence of any regulation. This is a daily use item, and if there is no regulation, we won’t be able to feed our families,” Abdul Hameed , a consumer from Srinagar, said.

The consumers also said that vendors are selling vegetables at different rates at varied places in Srinagar. They said the lack of regulation has given vendors a free hand, and the issue is burning a hole in their pockets. “When we talk about the vegetables which are not grown in Kashmir, the rates are even higher, and there is no check in place.

At every area, we notice that each vendor is selling vegetables at their own rate with a difference of 10-40 rupees per KG of vegetable variety. This has become worse since the regulations are not in place. Soon, the vegetable will be a luxury item for the common man,” said Mushtaq Ahmad, another consumer.

Director FCS&CA Abdul Rashid War, said that the department is not allowed to fix the rate of vegetables an.