WE have three tiers of government, which is one too many. On Saturday we were forced to vote in 128 council elections across NSW, but why do we bother? Login or signup to continue reading For example, Central Coast council has been in administration since October 2020 and conducting business without elected councillors. They had been sacked by the state government in respect of financial mismanagement.

At that time the council was $350m in debt. Under administration the debt has been reduced to $200m, with a current operating surplus of $38.6m and a total surplus of $114m over the past three years.

What we don't need is to elect 15 third rate politicians to shove their noses in the public trough. Local government councils should be abolished and replaced with a corporate structure and a duly appointed CEO. The only election necessary is a non-compulsory vote for the position of honorary (not paid) mayor for ceremonial duties only.

STATE, federal or local - what's the point of voting when it's obvious, they do not listen or care for their citizens? Decade after decade many of these people have lied their way into office, offering better opportunities for the common citizens to work themselves into the ground while paying higher and higher taxes every year. Politicians have to be the biggest fraud ever known. And as a free Australian if you do not vote, you also receive a fine for not voting for these pathetic people.

Meanwhile, they live in luxury compared to the hardest-worki.