With former President Donald Trump actively running away from Project 2025 , the controversial policy and personnel program’s leaders have maintained they’ve already accomplished their goals — and will still provide Trump’s team with their lists of policy recommendations and potential second term hires. But the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank that produced Project 2025, isn’t waiting around for a second Trump administration to begin implementing its agenda — it’s working to do so right now. As journalist Chris Geidner reports , the Heritage Foundation filed a lawsuit last week attempting to block the Biden administration’s guidance protecting LGBTQ employees from discrimination in the workplace.

The suit also seeks to limit the powers of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Those aims line up closely with items in Project’s 887-page policy blueprint . In the lawsuit, the Heritage Foundation complains that the protections for LGBTQ workers — which require employers to use employees’ preferred pronouns and allow them to use bathrooms that match their gender identity — could force the organization to spend money to update its dress code and renovate its bathrooms.

The lawsuit notes that Heritage Foundation employees must “come to work in professional dress,” and that “Heritage employees dress in a manner traditionally befitting their biological sex.” It adds that “employees use Heritage’s on-site bathroom, showe.