Kanpur: A delegation of UP Congress Committee (UPCC) on Tuesday met with municipal commissioner to discuss pressing public and civic concerns. The delegation, led by former MLA Bhoodhar Narayan Mishra and former Congress corporator Kamal Shukla Baby, raised several issues affecting the citizens. The delegation highlighted the issue of the recent hike in house tax which they claimed had increased the tax two to threefold.

Mishra and Shukla complained to the municipal commissioner that the house owners are struggling to get the errors rectified but are facing bureaucratic hurdles and indifference. Another key issue they raised was the alteration of a statue of the country’s first Prime Minister and freedom fighter Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru at the Ghantaghar crossing. Misra stated that a high pedestal has been built and a lion statue installed at the site which altered the Nehru statue’s appearance making it smaller and less prominent.

The statues of great men and freedom fighters were installed at many places of the city but due to lack of proper maintenance their condition has become dilapidated and they needed proper maintenance. Raising the civic issue they said almost all drains are choked as a result roads and lanes have turned into canals and ponds during moderate rains and residents have to face problems. Street lights are out of order and citizens are suffering injuries in the dark.

The delegation members included Har Prakash Agnihotri general secretary, Aman Deep Sin.