They’ve got a lot of condom-fidence in their product. A posh prophylactic brand is so certain you’ll have the best sex of your life using their rubbers, they’ve announced a money-back guarantee. SKYN, maker of non-latex sheaths, has announced the offer specifically for their Supreme Feel condoms — said to be the world’s thinnest and most expensive .

While regular condoms typically cost less than $1 a piece, according to Planned Parenthood, these innovative love gloves ring in at $10 each — $300 for the largest black velvety box. The brand has insisted that the luxury protection is “so premium and so good, it virtually guarantees you’ll have great sex” since it was first sold online in June. “Sex without pleasure is unacceptable,” they stated.

Here’s how the guarantee works: Starting today — and lasting through December 16 — SKYN will give your money back if you “didn’t have the greatest sex” while using any SKYN Supreme Feel condom. A bold move, after a recent study found that Americans rated their sex lives with a failing national average score of 4.770 out of 10.

A shameful 23.6% of respondents felt their sex lives served a dismal rating of just 1 out of 10. Unsatisfied sex-havers can fill out an online form (full name, email, phone number and zip code) and choose whether they want to receive the money via PayPal or Venmo to receive their refund.

“At SKYN, we believe that everyone deserves to experience the utmost pleasure in life,” Mar.