Release Update - August 23, 2024: After spending 15 hours with Concord during its misleadingly named “Early Access” period, nearly all of my impressions from the beta (which you can read in full further down) remain relevant. That’s both good and bad, because while I still enjoy how Concord generally nails its team-based competitive combat, the little that’s been added doesn’t do much to alleviate the concerns I had. There are some new maps, a couple new game modes that, as is the case with all the modes, already exist in many other games, and so far that’s about it – there isn’t even a single new cutscene aside from the two that were in the beta.

It feels rather light on content at present, though as a live-service game, developer Firewalk Studios has already laid out an ambitious roadmap to hopefully fill in those gaps. I still want to sink some more hours into Concord before I put a final score on this review, but right now I’m doing so quite happily – this may only feel like a solid foundation at the moment, but I’m starting to think it’s one that has a shot at growing into something special. Though more lore-soaked cutscenes are set to arrive in the coming weeks, so far the main drops of worldbuilding you’ll get come in the form of the Galactic Guide, a map filled with nodes where you can read about Concord’s locations and characters.

I’ve spent a fair bit of time scrolling through this sizable library of short descriptions, and though much .