People have raised concerns about the safety of black cats in part of the city after a number went missing. Street cleaner Sean Keen works in Hanover, Brighton , and raised the alarm after seeing several posters for missing black cats in the area. “I've noticed that many cats have gone missing in the area, and almost all of them, with slight exceptions, are black cats/black and white cats,” Sean said.

“I don't know if this coincidence or not, but it's disturbing to me that there appears to be a pattern in these poor things going missing.” He said he was keeping an eye out for people’s pets in a post on Facebook, which got dozens of responses from residents who had also noticed a number of missing posters for black cats. Wendell, a one-year-old black cat who lives in Coleman Street was missing for three days before being reunited with his owners on Monday.

They said it was very out of character for him to not come home and his collar had been found streets away from their home. Wendell was missing for three days before being found (Image: Lost Cats Brighton) Other black cats Nero and Marmite were missing for days before being found. Others are not so lucky.

READ MORE: Older Sussex cat no longer wanted by owners looking for home Emma Rose said her black cat has been missing from Richmond Street since May. “She is 14 and as a family we are devastated,” said Emma. Kathy Solinin said: “Our lovely black fluffy cat went missing last September from Jersey Street and w.