One of the most commonly used methods of discipline among parents is the use of comparison. It is a great misconception on the part of parents that when they compare their children with others, it would make them behave in a better way. Nobody likes being unfavourably compared with another person.

It reduces the self-esteem of the person being compared.Parents should not compare their children with others in terms of behaviour, educational performance and other aspects of the child’s life. Some parents use words like, “can’t you see that child.

He is very well behaved’’ or “your friend that came first in class, has he two heads’’ or “your mates can cook and you can’t.” All these words discourage the children. And this is the exact opposite of what the parents want to achieve.

Comparison never brings out the best in anybody. Instead, pick prominent figures and lovingly tell your children to emulate some of the character traits of these great figures. Tell them how these great men and women had to study hard at school, do domestic chores, behave respectfully, among others before they attained greatness.

This is what is called teaching. Teaching makes a child to want to have the courage to improve while comparison makes a child feel discouraged. Do not discourage your children with comparisons; build them up instead.

There is, therefore, great destructiveness in comparing your children among themselves or with other children. Now, let us talk about the effe.