(See Langley Christmas Fun for holiday events listing) . Saturday paddles: Fort Langley Canoe Club invites people to join the voyageurs Saturdays at 9 a.m.
to paddle the Fraser River. No previous paddling experience necessary. Teaching provided.
Paddles and life jackets (PFDs) are included in the drop-in rate. Info: Judy Fawcett, voyrep@fortlangleycanoeclub.ca.
. Probus Club: Langley residents able to join Maple Ridge Probus Club, a social group for semi-retired and retired people 55-plus. Group meets third Thursday of the month except in summer.
Info: Dick, 604-467-1590 or www.probusclubofmapleridge.org.
. Hope Meets Action: Echoes through the Black Continuum: New display about Black history in B.C.
is at Fort Langley National Historic Site until Dec. 12. Created in partnership with the B.
C. Black History Awareness Society and the Royal BC Museum. .
Senior Pride: Group meets on the third Tuesday of the month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.
m. at the Langley Senior Resources Society Centre, 20605 51B Ave. Open to all LGBTQ+ people who are 50 or older.
Info: Barb, 604-888-7755. . Langley Quilters Guild: Day meeting is 10:30 a.
m. while the evening gathering is 7:15 p.m.
on the fourth Wednesday of the month (except December) at the George Preston Recreation Centre, 20699 42 Ave. Info: langleyquiltersguild.com.
. Holding Hope: Peer facilitated support group by Moms Stop the Harm started to support families and individuals whose loves ones use or have used substances. Info: momsstoptheharm.