Note: Email only to by Monday at noon. All notices will appear online.
Print is based on a space-available basis. Events Parkinsons Support Group: on March 5 from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 576 Concord Road, Glen Mills. Dr.
Jennifer Brown will share practical ways for you and your loved ones to advocate for yourself moving forward with Parkinsons, including exercises for fun and strength. Free and all are welcome. Central Delco XII October Lodge 2438: Sons and Daughters of Italy will meet Thursday, March 13 at Anthony’s, 865 W.
Springfield Road, Springfield. Cocktails begin at 5 p.m.
and dinner is served at 5:30 p.m., with choices of either Stuffed Flounder or Chicken Francaise.
The presenter at the March dinner is Bill Russo, director of the Mario Lanza Museum, assisted by Ron Gionta on tech. Guests are always welcome at any of the organization’s meetings. Dinner is $40.
Deadline for orders is Monday, March 10. To order a dinner selection, call Barb at 610- 626-3140 or email; or Denise at 610-812-5193 or email DNAZZ@comcast.
net. America celebrates its 250th birthday in 2026: and Philadelphia, the birthplace of the nation, is at the epicenter of the celebration. Get ready for the party by taking a class, or more, this spring with a Philly focus at Wallingford Swarthmore Community Classes.
Topics for spring classes will include: • “A Layman’s Look at the U.S. Constitution,” including the Bill of Rights a.