You might have the kind of kid who has color-coded and organized all of their notebooks to get ready for the first day of school, or the kind of kid who will throw everything in their backpack as they’re running out the door to make the bus, but most children will encounter one challenge or another as they transition back to school after summer break. “Change is hard for all of us, and that includes the change from the summer schedule and routines to the school schedule,” Ariana Hoet , executive clinical director of the Kids Mental Health Foundation, told HuffPost. Here are some of the issues that typically crop up for kids at the beginning of a new school year, and some ways that parents can offer support.

Adjusting to new schedules “We may see kids having a hard time getting back on their sleep schedule, which may mean sleepy kiddos that show difficulty in regulating their emotions or behaviors,” Hoet said, adding that a “rushed morning routine” and packed after-school schedule can also lead to an increase in conflict between parents and kids. Talking about expectations for the year beforehand, “like getting homework done before screen time,” she said, can be helpful. “Your kiddo can have a hard time adjusting to going to bed sooner, waking up earlier, and staying focused throughout the day,” echoed psychologist Lauren Cook .

Beginning this transition a week or two before school starts is a good idea. “You can start small, for example moving the bedt.