Concerts are definitely an experience worth spending money on. But nowadays, costs for these once-in-a-lifetime experiences have been ramped up to absurdly sky-high prices that attending them is already seen as a luxury. Speaking from a personal experience, it’s even more fulfilling if you bought your ticket with your hard-earned (and saved!) money.

Most especially if you grew up with the knowledge that the money your family had was only enough for the necessities in life. Even before K-pop became a mainstream genre in the Philippines, K-pop artists and groups included the country (Manila, Bulacan, Cebu) in their world/Asia tours. Their concert prices have gradually increased as the years gone by, some even jaw-dropping prices that fans scramble on social media to jokingly post that their internal organs are on sale.

Despite the drastic increase in prices for these K-pop concerts, the artists and the production behind it all make every K-popper’s concert experience worth the money they spent. The blood, sweat, and tears that these artists and their teams have just to get the concert up to standard is also a big reason why some of these concerts may be too expensive for a normal fan. And who, you may ask, are the majority group in the Filipino K-pop fan demographic? Students and working young adults.

Are the prices of these K-pop concerts friendly to students and working young adults in this economy? To be honest, no. But, both groups still do their best just to afford con.