A viral post from a Facebook user has sparked a significant conversation about the true state of education in the Philippines. The post, shared widely across social media, highlights a troubling disconnect between reported academic performance and actual competencies among students. OP’s commentary centers on the case of an applicant to a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM) course who, despite having stellar grades ranging from 90 to 94, exhibited severe deficiencies in basic English language skills and comprehension.

This incident has not only brought attention to individual shortcomings but has also underscored systemic issues within the educational framework. The post reads : “Here is the report card of an applicant to our BSHM course and one of that student’s answer to an essay question. The student has stellar grades on the report card, but struggles to string together a simple sentence in English, reads at a snail’s pace, and misinterprets even the simplest instructions.

After getting an email of non-acceptance, the mother called the registrar to complain why her ‘intelligent’ child was not accepted. We have seen so much ‘drama’ in our registrar’s office this month, with tears flowing. But No, we are standing by our ground.

We are a private school after all. Students and parents should realize that grades are not everything, real education is so much more. 📚 This isn’t just an isolated case.

Many of them are like this. It’s a sy.