Oleksandra "Mike" Mulkevych, a combat medic from the Hospitallers Medical Battalion, was killed in action in Kharkiv Oblast on 14 August. She was killed by a Russian drone when she and her colleagues were working on the last day of their rotation. They were supposed to return home the next day.

Source: Ukrainska Pravda.Zhyttia Details: At Oleksandra's request, her friends posted on her Facebook page the last message she left in case something happened to her. The combat medic wrote in her last will that a warrior’s joy is to die on the battlefield.

"We are all warriors in a way, some on the battlefield, some fighting corruption, some restoring justice in the courts. Our people fight incurable diseases, and scientists fight gravity. We are such a fighting nation.

And very passionate about freedom. Ukrainians are free people, and this cannot be taken away from us. We are free in our thoughts, views and actions.

And we have no limits. There are no limits in anything – neither in technology nor in discoveries. We can do anything we want," the statement says.

Oleksandra wrote that she was lucky to be born in the best country in the world, Ukraine, and "it is a country for which it is an honour to die". "And it's even better to live for it. To live, for many of us, for several lifetimes.

To educate young Ukrainians in love for the world, strength, and indomitability. To show them all the beauty of Karadag, the salt mines of Donbas, spoil tips, protected spits, estuaries, the la.